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For more details please see here.
Black Cuillins Aurora won exc. 1, CERT and Res. Nordic CERT today in Harstad, Norway under judge Veli-Pekka Kumpumäkki. This makes her new Norwegian Champion. Congratulations, little girl, also to Thea, Carina, Marita and Kalle.
Black Cuillins Attila - exc. 1, CAC, BOB, judge: Mrs. Margret Möller-Sieber, Germany
Black Cuillins Aquamarine
Sunday: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, German Winner, BOB -> new German Champion VDH,
judge: Mrs. Tina Deipenbrock, Germany
Saturday: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, judge: Mr. Andrei Kisliakov, BEL
Black Cuillins Aquamarine
Sunday: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, judge Mrs. Kerstin Buss, Germany
Saturday: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG4 -> new Austrian Champion,
judges Mrs. Alena Auerbach, CZ (breed), Mrs. Elfriede Heidecker, AT (group)
Black Cuillins Aquamarine
International Show: exc. 1, Res. CAC, Res. CACIB, judge Mrs. Olga Kupriyanova, Slovenia
National Show: exc. 1, CAC, BOS, judge Mr. Jose Vidal Montero, Spain
Black Cuillins Aquamarine
Sunday Golden Dog Trophy: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, judge Mr. Jane Serafimov, Macedonia
Saturday Benelux Winner Show: exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, Benelux Winner, BOS, judge Mrs. Lejla Alic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Big congratulations to Black Cuillins Aurora (Rosa) and her owners for earning CAC at Väntäs Show, Sweden, and becoming Nordic and Swedish Show Champion. Thanks to judge Carl Gunnar Stafberg, SE.
Eine bemerkenswerte Woche neigt sich dem Ende.... Allegra hat am Pfingstmontag die Voraussetzungen für den Niederländischen Champion erfüllt.
A remarkable week comes to an end... Allegra started on whit monday by finishing her Dutch Champion title.
Pinkstershow KC Arnhem: Black Cuillins Aquamarine - open class, exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB. judge: Jo Schepers, NL.
Donnerstag haben wir uns dann auf den Weg nach Wels zu unseren ersten EDS gemacht. Über die Organisation wollen wir besser nicht reden. Stattdessen haben wir uns gefreut, die Zeit mt lieben Freunden aus Nah und Fern verbracht zu haben.
On thursday, we travelled to Wels to our first EDS. We won't comment about the organisation of this event here. Instead, we were very happy to spend the time with dear friends from near and far.
European Dog Show: Black Cuillins Aquamarine -
open class, exc. 2, Res.CACA.
judge: Hans-Erhardt Grüttner, D
Austrian Winner Show: Black Cuillins Aquamarine -
open class, exc. 1, CACA, Res.CACIB.
judge: Sonia Pagani, IT
Argo und Belli genossen ein paar Tage an der Ostsee am und im Wasser.... Argo and Belli enjoyed a few days near and in the Baltic Sea...
Black Cuillins Aquamarine - open class, exc. 1, CAC (VDH/KfT), BOB. judge Mrs. Homonnai, AT
Bester Niederläufer / Best lowlegged terrier. judge Mrs. Nowak-Patyniak, PL
Unsere Mädels waren schon sehr erfolgreich in diesem Jahr - 2 neue Internationale Champion für Black Cuillins Aurora und Black Cuillins Aquamarine im März sowie 2 neue Deutsche Champion VDH/KfT für Black Cuillins Aurelia im April und für Black Cuillins Aquamarine im Mai. Toll gemacht und weiter so!
Our girls have been quite successfull so far this year - 2 new C.I.B. titles for Black Cuillins Aurora and Black Cuillins Aquamarine in March as well as 2 new German Champion (VDH/KfT) for Black Cuillins Aurelia in April and for Black Cuillins Aquamarine in May. Well done girls!
Es ist Winter und unsere Skyes genießen den Schnee in ihrem jeweiligen Zuhause. It is winter time and our Skyes are enjoying snow in their homes all over the world.
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(19.01.2019) |